care'n'cure Homeopathy clinic - REAL CHALLENGE TO HOMOEOPATHS
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That alone is right medicine which can remove disease. 
He alone is the true physician who can restore health.. 
                                           - Charaka - Samhita.

      The subject an approach to a case poses a real challenge to Homoeopaths.

      It is a fact that students of Homoeopathic medicine, now-a-days get lost when they enter the field of practice; they got confused and baffled as they find numerous approaches being preached in articles and at seminars.

      Students not being able to comprehend these learned talks and not knowing the real potentialities of the system, finally take to Allopathic practice.

      To steer clear of these confusing expositions and to achieve reasonable success as Homoeopaths, they would be well-advised to go to the fountainhead and seek guidance from our great Masters.

      Ours is a most outstanding and unique system of medicine presenting three special aspects which we have to bear in mind. Maybe readers are already conversant with the fundamentals - yet, I venture to repeat them here as our success depends on our abiding faith in them.

      Special aspect - 1.

      Firstly, ours is a scientific medicine - the medicine of vital stimulation: its aim is not physiological action, but vital reaction. (Burnett). Its view of man as a body mind soul entity places it ahead of the psychosomatic era in medicine. It considers man as an integrated unit of life, with consciousness and intelligence, functioning through the vital force (Shravaka). So long as this dynamic power - the spiritual vital force is not affected and the vital operations as regards both sensation and functions continue undisturbed, man enjoys good health. When this dynamic influence is deranged man gets diseased.

      Special aspect - 2.

      Proving of drugs on healthy human beings have given us our Materia Medica. There is no potent medicinal substance in the world which does not very notably alter the state of disposition and mind in the health individual and every medicine does so in a different way (Aphorism 212). Our Materia Medica comprised of such proved drugs. This is our armoury. Our aim is to grasp the true nature of the sick individual and find a remedy whose image is similar to that sickness. The most prominent symptoms of the patient must not only be in the remedy, but they should be one of the most prominent of the remedy.

      Special aspect - 3.

      Homoeopathy is absolutely inconceivable without most precise individualization. Keep the person before you in treatment - it is the person who is the specific case for Homoeopathy and not his disease (GD Petitt).

      While taking up cases for treatment, the Homoeopath has a double diagnosis to make - diagnosis of the disease and diagnosis of the remedy. (Clark).

      The nosological labeling of the disease should bring before our mind the disease picture with all the detailed symptoms and immediately our knowledge of the Materia Medica should project the various drug pictures in our mind, from among which we are to choose the curative remedy, giving sufficient weightage to the rare, strange, peculiar and most characteristic symptoms. Wherever necessary, the prescriber goes by the totality of symptoms including location, sensation, modalities, causation, concomitants and also the mentals.

      While diagnosing the disease, it should be borne in mind that the various diagnostic aids (usually resorted to by the Allopaths) should be taken advantage of as they can give us immense guidance for selecting the curative drugs. These scientific diagnostic aids are not the monopoly of any particular branch of medicine.

      Burnetts approach to cure, brings to our mind the various organ remedies which are helpful in the treatment of diseases. The pathological investigations help us in prescribing the organ remedies as well as auxiliary drugs to augment and supplement the indicated remedies. Take, for example, the use of Hydrastis in low potency to fight the cancerous cachexia, along with the indicated remedies in the treatment of cancer of liver, cervix etc.

      A case of Spondylitis - spasmodic shooting pains starting from the right side of the neck, extending to the arm, came in for treatment. Few doses of bell, followed by Rhus tox. relieved the patient of the shooting pain and the patient reported quite well excepting for the slight numbness of the right hand.

      On careful examination some weakness was felt on the right hand though the patient was not bothered much. As the weakness could not be accounted for an MRI - scanning was done which revealed Kochs spine, involving C-6-7 vertebral bodies and their intervening disc; posterior protrusion of C-5-6 disc with end plate osteophytes. Surgery was considered essential to relieve the lameness weakness besides medical treatment. After surgery, the patient relieved of the weakness and numbness in the hand. Surprisingly, the patient had no fever, no cough, anorexia, or any other attendant symptoms usually present in cases of TB.

      Coming to the importance of Diagnosis of the remedy, our guiding star is chiefly and most solely the more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms. We have also to see that there are no physical generals in the case that oppose or contradict, and further, we have to see that symptoms do cover the chief complaint as well.

      Quite often the mentals and physical generals (peculiar) alone guide us to the indicated drug. While choosing the curative remedy by the Key-notes we have to see that the generals also do confirm. Generals and keynotes must have the same relation to the remedy and the patient (Dr. A H Grimmer). In our practice, hard days are ahead of us. We have to remember that a prescription of Crocin Tablet for fever from any one of us can tantamount to illegal practice, as per the recent verdict of the Supreme Court !!.

      To fight the situation we have enough weapons in our armory (Materia MEdica and Repertories); what is needed is development of expertise to handle this armory and to pull out the right remedy which will yield the desired results. We must have the drug picture well impressed in our minds. The striking peculiar and characteristic symptoms of the polychrests as well as those of the rare remedies must be at our fingertips. We can meet any medical emergency if we are adept in handling our weapons.

      Our last court of appeal is always our Materia Medica. Continuous study of the Materia Medica with the aid of a full repertory for comparison is the only means of acquiring a good working knowledge (Kent).

      A note of caution: Dogmatism in medical practice is to be abhorred. Every branch of medical science has something to offer. We should know our limitations. Never for a moment think that Homoeopathy is the be - all and end-all in medical science. The recent commendable advances in the field of investigative techniques and the management of emergencies by giving Critical Care to patients by Allopathic medicine is superb.

      The following few case reports illustrate different approaches to prescribing.

      Prominence to Mentals.

      1. Case of stroke and subsequent Hemiplegia - Lady of 72 yrs.

      The sorrow that has no vent in tears may make their organs weep. Mandsley.

      Staphysagria - Could cure the case of Hemiplegia (left side) which occurred subsequent to Stroke (Cerebral Haemorrhage), with involuntary urination / stools, when the basic cause was known to be emotional onslaught that ensued after a fierce fight with her (the patients) daughter-in-law.

      Bad effects of chagrin; mortification; unmerited insults; indignation, with vexation - Staph. (Allen).

      2. Case of apoplexy and Paralysis - Lady aged 74 years.

      She was to be admitted for cataract operation for which she was dead against owing to nervousness. While leaving for the hospital, she fell unconscious, and within hours the right hand was paralysed with numbness felt all over the right side. Taking the dread of hospitalisation and ailment from anticipation there of being the cause of Apoplexy and subsequent Hemiplegia, Gelsemium 1M for 3 days and thereafter Gel. 1M daily for 4 days, brought about complete cure.

      Mind is the key to the man - Hahnemann.

      Prominence to Physical generals and modalities

      1. Case of throat cancer (Terminal case).

      When discharged from the hospital, the verdict was - Days numbered - Morphine be given as often as needed to relieve the excruciating pain. Kali carb 200. The indicated remedy proved the wonder drug which gave dramatic relief for all complaints - not only that, he could live a peaceful, purposeful life for more than one year.

      Rubrics considered - aggr. cold; aggr. even empty swallowing; time of aggravation of pain 2 to 4 a.m. and discharges (excruciating throat pain amel while urinating).

      2. Case of Slip Disc - Lady Teacher, 47 yrs.

      Excruciating pain in left leg upto the heel. Three years earlier was operated upon for slip disc and had been keeping well for about two years. On recurrence of pain advised surgery again.

      Resorting to Homoeopathic treatment, Kali carb, few doses relieved her of the pain from the second day of treatment.

      She could even go on a pilgrimage and climb 12 km to Vaishnodevi temple (Jammu).

      Rubrics considered - craving for sweets; likes company; aggr. Winter uncovering; aggr walking; amel lying on back.

      Causation being given prominence.

      1. Patient, male - Epileptic, 42 yrs.

      Frequent epileptic fits since many years; despite best of Allopathic treatment from consultants.

      On switching over to Homoeopathic treatment, given weightage to traumatic head injury at the age of 20, cicuta 1000 few doses and Oenanthe crocata Q in drop doses (as auxiliary) cured the patient of the ailment; Allopathic drugs being withdrawn gradually.

      2. Patient, Male aged 40 - Psychic disorder.

      Employed in Muscat for some years he was sacked from service for indifferent behavioral pattern and depression. He could not take his family while at Muscat. Under psychiatrists treatment he used to sleep all day long under the influence of drugs; not benefited otherwise.

      Based on information that he used to be a chain-smoker and alcohol addict, and at present he showed no interest in anything, Nux vom 10M few doses, followed by Conium 1M few doses effected a complete cure.

      Rubrics considered - aggr Tobacco; aggr. Alcohol; suppression of sexual passion.

      Prominence to Keynotes

      1. Epileptic Patient - Girl of 71/2 yrs.

      From the age of 5 having epileptic attacks off and on despite taking Gardenal 30 mg twice a day.

      During case taking a peculiar characteristic behaviour was noticed, any question put to the girl, she repeated the same question, without giving proper reply. Based upon the key-note Child repeats every thing said to it (Allens Keynote) she was given Zinc Met which effected a marvelous cure.

      2. Patient 78 yrs. - Chronic Asthmatic.

      Chronic asthma with palpitation on least exertion, bed ridden for several months. During case-taking, reported that the patient who used to be lover of classical music, did not recently allow even a cassette to be played, as music made him sad and weeping. he wanted to be left alone. Despair of recovery, he used to be sad and weeping. The breathlessness and choking cough aggravated in the presence of stranger.

      On the Keynote - Music made him sad and weeping Ambra Grisea was given which cured him of his ailments.

      Prominence to Miasmatic Block Clearance.

      1. Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis - Widow, 58 yrs.

      Psoriasis affecting scalp, face and hands coupled with Rheumatism of the joints with rigidity and swelling.

      Placed in miserable family circumstances, she narrated her complaints weeping. Med. 1000. 2 doses followed by Sepia in graduated doses cured her ailments Med helped in clearing the miasmatic block and rubrics considered being : weeping when telling her sickness.

      Mortification; Psoriasis; Dropsical swelling of joints.

      2. Epileptic patient - Girl of 15 yrs.

      During case-taking, it was revealed that during pregnancy her mother had occasion to take a series of injections for dog-bite.

      Based on this revelation, Lyssin 1000 was given which effected a complete cure.

      Repertorisation gave the clue.

      1. Child being treated for Cerebrospinal Meningitis in the Hospital.

      Report of the child from the hospital was the child will suddenly start weeping when anyone tried to hold the child - Everytime the mother went to carry the child, it tried to get hold of her face by stretching both its arms..

      Based on the rubric under mind - weeping - sudden with clutching of hair or nurses face (Cerebro-spinal MEningitis) = Dig - (Arnolds Repertory).

      Digitalis was given which effected a complete cure.

      [Note : Case reported by Dr. V Krishnamoorthy. in the Homoeopathic Heritage].

      2. Confirmed case of Carcinoma of urinary bladder - Male patient, 59 yrs.

      Could do without surgery and the complaints of burning pain in the bladder; bleeding while urinating; difficulty in voiding urine etc. were relieved and complete cure effected with Crot H 200 and Crot H 1M.

      Patient is now 68 and enjoying good health.

      [Reference ; Phataks Rep. P.33, Bladder - Cancer. Crot. h. Only drug given]. 

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